Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More flower pictures

Here are a couple of other pictures that have been hiding on my camera. Even longer than the peony picture I posted last week ... I think that these pictures have been on my camera since before Memorial Day. Gulp. I'm as bad as the commercial where there are all these people jiving for space and they worry about being deleted ... does anyone else remember that commercial?
Anyway, I took these pictures when a group of us went to the Phil Wickham concert at Simon Estes Amphitheater in DM. Which reminds me ... I haven't posted those concert pictures yet either. Opps.
I signed up for a photography class starting in September. I'm a little nervous, but am more excited than anything. It will be a good learning opportunity. I'm taking this class on my own, I haven't roped any of my friends into coming with me, so it will be a good lesson of Kara individual-ness. I've come a long ways since my college days. I think that I can attribute much of my independence to my study abroad semester when I didn't know anyone before I left the country. I eventually made friends and had a solid group of people to do things with, but I also learned how to be okay with doing things by myself. Now there are a lot of things I don't mind doing by myself - going to movies - going out to lunch - shopping. I suppose that doing all of grad school online without the aid of chattering peers, attributes to much of my independence. Photography class can just be one more thing I add to the list!
What do you like to do on your own?

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