Friday, November 1, 2013

31 Things I'm Grateful for in October

1. Safety. There were big storms that blew through Lance's hometown and did major damage. Fortunately, no one was hurt but it does remind me that things are finite and God is infinite.
2. Weekend road trips to visit friends. I dearly miss our friends, Ryan and Erika and their goofy kiddos.
3. Almond Patties. Similar to Dutch letters, but better.
4. I had such a wonderful time seeing a college friend and getting an "insiders" tour of my beloved college campus. That being said, I have no idea how we are going to pay for tuition for Lucan to go to college someday. It's crazy expensive.
5. Consignment store shopping and chicken costumes. Because if there is ever a doubt of whether or not your child should be a chicken for Halloween, the answer is a resounding "yes." Chicken costumes are the best.
6. Date night and friends who swap babysitting services.
7. Yoga classes at real yoga studios. It's 60 minutes of me time. Glorious. I've been making good on the groupon I bought to PowerLife Yoga and am sold. I love the community of yoga.
8. Friends with cameras.
9. Lunch dates with new friends and old friends.
10. Food days at work!
11.  My momma who doesn't mind when I demandingly ask "but you'll still have time to make me supper, right?"
12. Thursday night television. It's the small things in life.
13. Text messages from friends commiserating over our children's bodily fluids.
14. Trips to the pumpkin patch with friends. And the 45 minute car ride to reconnect.
15. Cider doughnuts. Yum!
16. Being home for weekends and "resting." It's great to go and see friends and family, but being home in my own bed is hard to beat.
17. A handy husband who is my go-to fixer. If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy!
18. Jesus and culture discussions during Sunday School. Thanks Jake!
19. Adorable footie jam-jams (what we call pajamas in our household)
20. Suddenly, Lucan knows his shapes. Not sure when that happened, but I'm impressed.
21. Lucan sees my phone and always wants to call "Gammer" (Grandma). Sometimes that's not appropriate at 7:30 AM. But it's pretty cute.
22. S↑TC. Stand Up to Cancer.
23. Lucan loves his family members. We spend quite a bit of time going through pictures on FB and my ipod/ipad. Lu gets excited when he recognizes someone.
24. Spiced Latte Coffeemate Creamer. It's a seasonal flavor and my newest favorite. I know I said previously that we really aren't buying creamer anymore, but I'd like to make a budgetary exception for this flavor :)
25. Rachael T. who took time out of her busy life to do some interview screening work with Lance. She's a treasure folks. And not married. But dating. This isn't a singles advertisement, so I digress.
26.This video about moms' perceptions of themselves versus our child's perception of us.
27. Antibiotics. I know there are parents out there who are anti-antibiotics for various reasons. But when Lucan has double ear infections, I like knowing there's something we can do to help.
28. Lance has taught Lucan to say "Bye honey" to me as they leave for daycare.
29. Finally fall. Finally
30. The influx of cute kiddos on facebook in their Halloween costumes.
31. A husband who offers to sleep on the couch when he knows that his snoring is going to leave me more tired than rested in the morning.
Frosting face.

My precious baby chicken.

And an angry chicken the night of Halloween. We went trick or treating with our small group, so there was a crowd that included a pirate girl, a ninja, a dalik, Captain America, a chicken and Clark Kent/Superman. It was fun!


Rose said...

love the angry chicken! Those are memories too! :o) Lu is so cute!

*carrie* said...

Nice list. Yay, #4!

What is interview screening?

Have fun tomorrow!!