Saturday, January 14, 2012

View from Daycare

We started at a new daycare this week. One of the biggest hurdles being a working mom is finding the right caregiver for your child. In talking with other moms who have faced this challenge, I know that I am not alone. Daycare is EXPENSIVE, but it's an investment in your child. I think it is all parents' goal to find a caregiver who will love and care for your child the same way as you. Is that realistic or fair? Probably not. Whenever anyone would ask us how we liked our daycare person, we would both respond with "eh. She's fine."

Upon reflection, Lance and I both think that we were never a great match with our first daycare provider. Don't get me wrong, for many parents she's probably fine. But Lance and I wanted to know what Lucan was doing during the day and hear about his moods, etc (yes, we both acknowledge that we are sort of heliocopter parents). But we were never going to get that type of care with the first one. She was there to make sure Lucan was kept out of harms way and report about his poops. Communication was also an issue.

With our new provider, she does all sorts of developmental programs and all sorts of fun things with the kids. She has just 2 kids that she watches and she's a germ nazi. I like that. And the best part - she only allows 30 minutes of TV a day! That was Lance's sticking point. The first day I knew things were automatically off to a better start when I got a mid-morning email with these pictures:

"I took a couple of quick pictures this morning. He isn't smiling, but still is adorable. I have the crib next to the window and he likes to look out at the trees and ducks in the pond. Have a great rest of the day and see you later. "

Isn't that precious?


Rose said...

What a beautiful setting for daycare! I'm sure Lucan will have a great time is such an important thing. I'm glad you found someone who you feel more comfortable with!

Jon and Katie Evans said...

So happy it is going well! Wow! What great hands he must be in!

Nicole @ one half world said...

I wish I had that view out my window! Sounds like you're off to a good start with this one...